sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

visiting friends!

So, not only do friends visit me, but I also visit friends. It's a great idea, especially because it's way cheaper, and it's more fun to go with someone who knows all the spots around town. And, sometimes, you get really lucky and your friend has a car. My friend Vanesa, who is an English teacher I work with, went to visit her family in Asturias, a region in the north of Spain. She has always generously invited us to go with her, and a couple weekends ago, I took her up on it. We picked up her godson Dani on the way up, who lives in Leon. Although she did give me fair warning, he was a talker. About an hour in, he was like, "So...you're English?" He really didn't stop...for three days. A feat of remarkable endurance. We finally made it to Oveido, which is just as beautiful, if not more, than the movie "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" makes it look. It's a city, but it's small and quaint and green. Trees everywhere. Trees, and parks, and cobblestones. You wouldn't think Madrid and Oveido are in the same country. It's that green. And there's a lot of cider there. The way they pour it is incredible. The bartenders hold the bottle in their hand, stretched all the way above their head, and pour it out into the glass, which is in their other hand, stretched to below their waist. I can imagine drunk people trying to that, and failing miserably. I mean, they're specially trained. Then, we headed to Gijón, which is ridiculously gorgeous beach town. Basically, everything about this trip was beautiful/gorgeous/breath-taking. The mountains are gigantic. Did I say everything is green? After Gijón, we headed to where her family lives, in Cangas de Narcea, which is a pretty small town. We visited her grandparents, who live in a smaller town, of about 50 people. I could not understand a word they said. Luckily we didn't talk that much. They just made me eat my weight in food. I thought I was going to explode, just from sheer hospitality. Everywhere we went, "Do you want coffee? A snack? Food? Are you hungry?" The madness! This blog entry is my pitch for Asturias: Everything is green, it's ridiculously beautiful, and you will leave in stretchy pants.

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