domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

iniestaaaa, iniestaaaaaa

My Spain experience couldn't be complete without an overwhelming display of Spanish patriotism, and since facism is thankfully a thing of the past, the World Cup provided a perfect opportunity to display the red and gold. Each stage of the tournament that Spain miraculously passed was greeted with progressively larger parties and growing excitement. Block parties, cars blaring their horns, the reaction was unreal. And that was before the final, and really, there are no words. I know this is a blog, and writing (i.e. WORDS) are key, but...there's no way to explain. Luckily for me, although my memory of the World Cup win has no transcript, I do have several blurry photographs and also a movie! Way to go, past Abi. I’m not calling it ground-breaking journalism, but I will say that I did an ok job of documenting a singular moment in my life (yes, it WAS that big) and in the history of Spain (because we all know…never gonna happen again). The pictures and video are from the bar where we anxiously watched the game, and there are several from Cibeles, a central plaza where there were big screen TVs set up. The sheer quantity of people was incredible, and while I thought that was a one-time deal, it was only amplified the next day, when the Spanish team rolled through in a make-shift parade. I saw that from my living room and the television because the government begged people to stay home after a certain hour. There was no room for people. It was like a giant amoeba with a hundred thousand heads. Or maybe...a giant prophetic octopus with a hundred thousand little sucker things? No, because everybody knows that prophetic octopus don't exist (Cue X-Files music).

domingo, 4 de julio de 2010


To say that you're unemployed, you say you're between jobs. When you graduate college, you're between school and work. Sometimes, you're just between. I realize that to use the word "between," to make grammatical sense, you need to have two nouns. However, I have decided that grammar is overrated, because I just feel between. Am I between jobs? Maybe. Between school and a job? I guess. Between places? Countries? Continents? Languages? All of those things could be true. So, instead of trying to explain my situation, I'm just going to say that I'm between. I'm not sure where I'm going, or what I'll be doing, but it'll be a change. Between describes my state perfectly, and quite honestly, it sounds better than lost, confused, or even dazed. Transitioning just sounds silly. So I'm sticking with between. Abi, what are you doing? What are your plans? I'm between. Between what? Everything.
Clear, concise, and perfect.