domingo, 4 de julio de 2010


To say that you're unemployed, you say you're between jobs. When you graduate college, you're between school and work. Sometimes, you're just between. I realize that to use the word "between," to make grammatical sense, you need to have two nouns. However, I have decided that grammar is overrated, because I just feel between. Am I between jobs? Maybe. Between school and a job? I guess. Between places? Countries? Continents? Languages? All of those things could be true. So, instead of trying to explain my situation, I'm just going to say that I'm between. I'm not sure where I'm going, or what I'll be doing, but it'll be a change. Between describes my state perfectly, and quite honestly, it sounds better than lost, confused, or even dazed. Transitioning just sounds silly. So I'm sticking with between. Abi, what are you doing? What are your plans? I'm between. Between what? Everything.
Clear, concise, and perfect.

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