domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

traveling, solo style.

Kids imitate adults, and they're always asking to do things, all by themselves. They are committed to proving their independence until little by little, they grow up and get thrown into the adult world, suddenly independent and broke. As a newly-minted grown-up, I do most things on my own. I iron things, usually clothes. I make my own meals. I clean my room. But one thing I hadn't really done was traveling by myself (not counting moving to Spain...that's a move). All by my lonesome. So, on my long weekend, I hit the road, er, plane. Off to Prague, in the Czech Republic. Let me be clear: I do not, nor have I ever, spoken the Czech language. I do not know what it sounds like, or what it looks like. But I got on that plane, and off I went. Getting off the plane and exchange my euros for krona, or crowns, or whatever, and I instantly became a whole lot richer. "Three thousand crowns, ma'am." Hot dog, let's hit the town. I successfully made it to the hostal safely, no problems. After leaving my bags with the nice, English-speaking hostal employee, I hit up the castle. I decided to live it up and go with the audioguide. Truly fascinating stuff, i got to see the basement of the castle...looked a lot like a basement. But, moving on, the view was fantastic. The evening continued with about a liter of dark beer and some potato-y and pork Czech food. Starting off the weekend with some carbs is never a bad sign. The next day began with some pastry, some coffee spiked with Bailey's and a lot of walking. I climbed a clocktower. I walked across a bridge about ten times. I saw some modern Central European art, penguins included. After some bagels and more hot alcohol, I checked out the Franz Kafka museum, which had a pair of peeing statues out front. But not just any peeing statues. You could move the hips, and engage in some kind of pee warfare. To say the least, I thought this may have been slightly misplaced, but perhaps I just haven't read enough Kafka. The following day, I got up early, saw a collection of Jewish synagogues, and got myself back to Madrid. All in one piece.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Cool weekend trip! It is still eerie to think of you there at the Franz Kafka museum, staring at the naked peeing statues because, um, I was there just a couple months ago. ...I didn't realize foreign countries kept moving even when I wasn't there. Keep on having fun, lady!