viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

schoooool's out for the summer.

The school year's almost over!! Hurrrrrahhh!!! Really, I'll miss the children, and...sorry, I can't continue in this vein, too much suppressed laughter. It's just ridiculous. Will I miss the children? Eh, I'll probably miss the cute ones, but I don't think I'm allowed to say that, being politically correct and all. Will I miss having to repeat myself over and over and over again, until about half the class understands half of what I'm saying? Will I miss the occasional projectile vomitting? Will I miss the temper tantrums? Will I miss forcing children to eat vegetables, one spoonful at a time? If you answered no to any of those questions, congratulations, we can hang out sometime and not do those things. I mean, I'll miss the little children telling me that I'm beautiful. Working in a preschool is the place to be for a self-esteem boost, I'll tell you that much. The affectionate ones, when they don't have milk or snot all over their face, can make you day. And sometimes it's really nice when you hear them speak in English, and you realize that you taught them something. Even if it's just the word "tomato." Give yourself a pat on the back. Is it worth all the vomitting and the weird smells and the pulling out of your own hair? Ehhh...the jury's still out on that one.

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