viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

thanksgiving...T-One Week

Thanksgiving is in one week...OK, so it's in six days. I will be celebrating it in a week, since I live in a country (aka outside of America) that does not recognize Turkey Day as a holiday. I'm mentally preparing for the insensitive turkey jokes, since Spaniards don't really understand that Thanksgiving is a holiday when you're with your family. Seeing that I'm here, I have a bit of a rough time going to work on Thursday like it's a normal day. I'm not saying, Woe is me, but a little sympathy wouldn't hurt. But really, this year I'm totally ready for this holiday. A true ex-pat affair. A friend and co-worker is having a dinner on Friday at her apartment...with about thirty people. I'm on pie duty, with a sweet potato bonus. Bring on the marshmellows! And I will be making the pie crust from scratch. Because I can do whatever I want, and my mother will love me, but if I buy those pie crusts...I shudder to think. I was raised better. But thank god I don't have to worry about a turkey, although there have been discussions. How a big a turkey do you order? How many kilos? How many pounds is that? How long do you leave it in the oven, especially if you're eating at Spanish dinner hours (which is LATE)? I'm assuming you just have to baste. There will be updates!

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